Monday, August 1, 2011

Xian to Chengdu - Friday, July 8, 2011

Today we packed up, as we are headed to Chengdu tonight. But first, David took us to the Islamic section of Xian. In addition to it being a beautiful section of the city, we were brought to an old Muslim home and then to a puppet show for the girls. The puppets are made of animal skin, then painted. Several of the puppets are over 200 years old, as the puppeteers represent several family generations of puppet makers and puppeteers. The girls LOVED it!
Finally, we then rode bikes on the wall which surrounds Xian. I rode a tandem bike with Rebecca. We enjoyed the exercise and the great views. This wall is the only intact wall surrounding a city still existing in China. The wall is 950 years old!
We are now at the Xian Airport heading for Chengdu – to visit the Panda Breeding Reserve. The girls are so excited! We also will get to enjoy the Sichuan version of “hot pot”, with all the fiery spices Sichuan is known for. All the adults are looking forward to this!
After an exhausting plane ride from Xian to Chengdu (the plane was sidelined for awhile with mechanical problems, and it was 100+ degrees inside!),  we arrived at the Chengdu Airport one hour late. We went out to dinner at 9pm, and were back to the hotel, to bed, at 10:30pm. The kids were exhausted. Dinner was an experience. Ginger and I asked the concierge for meal suggestions (spicy for us, mild for the kids) and the name of the restaurant in Mandarin. Then we had to match the restaurant’s characters to the notes, and use hand signs to demonstrate what we wanted. However, we were only moderately successful, as Ginger and I enjoyed the spicy food, but our selections were less successful for the girls.
Visit to Muslim Merchant's Home

Puppet Show - The Monkey King

Holding The Puppets

Rebecca Holding The Monkey King

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