Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Nanchang To Hong Kong Via Guangzhou - Thursday, July 14, 2011

We left the hotel at 7:30am for our 10am flight from Nanchang to Guangzhou. The traffic out of the city was chaotic and crazy – a game of “Chinese Roulette”. But we made it safe and sound.
As our guide obtained our boarding passes to Guangzhou, our children quickly were surrounded by a group of curious travelers, several taking pictures. Our girls became upset at all the attention and we had to forcefully ask the unwanted travelers to move on.
Then we learned that China Southern Airline was not able to provide us boarding passes from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, so we would have to fend for ourselves without a translator (eventually the airlines gave us “proof” that we had paid for the later flights, so that the boarding pass would not be difficult to obtain in Guangzhou). Despite now being part of mainland China, traveling to Hong Kong is still treated as an international destination. So, this meant we would have to go through emigration to exit Guangzhou, and through immigration when we entered Hong Kong. A lot more lines, bureaucracy and time spent. We were tired and cranky, but tried to remain upbeat, as we were heading home!
We finally arrived in Hong Kong at 5pm that evening. We dumped our bags at the Regal Airport Hotel (a lovely hotel, connected to the HK Airport, and only a 10 minute walk to the Cathay Pacific ticket counter), and headed to a nice Italian restaurant at the Airport. After several glasses of Chianti, Ginger and I and the girls headed back to the Regal Hotel, and went to bed.

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